
FELTmaps is an ephemeral public art project responding to the small, the large, the public and the hidden, in central Port Adelaide.

Approximately 20 South Australian artists and artist collectives, have been invited to create temporary, site specific work for this event, to be exhibited predominantly in unexpected outdoor public locations around the Port.

For this project, FELTspace is partnering with Vitalstatistix Theatre Company. With their assistance, FELTmaps intends to haul art out of the traditional white-wall gallery and asks artists to respond to the built and natural landscape of Port Adelaide, creating a beautiful map of artworks to be found in the suburban, the industrial and the everyday.

Join us on opening night, 28 March at 6 pm or for a free guided tour every Saturday at 1 pm throughout the exhibition.

Between 28 March and 27 April, site-specific contemporary art installations will be found in vast open spaces, small shop front windows, vacant lots, the water, unexpected hidey-holes and laneways. This month-long outdoor exhibition will include a series of events held at the Vitalstatistix Waterside Hall that allow the audience to experience and respond to the art works. This will culminate in a closing event — a one-night show at Waterside that will present a series of responses and reinterpretations of the exhibition — from performers, writers, sound artists and others.

Event dates

  • Friday, 28 March – FELTmaps Opening night at Vitalstatistix
  • Saturday, 29 March – guided tour of sites around Port Adelaide
  • Saturday, 5 April – audio described tour of sites around Port Adelaide
  • Saturday, 12 April – FELTmaps artist forum at Vitalstatistix
  • Saturday, 19 April – guided tour of sites around Port Adelaide
  • Saturday, 26 April – FELTmaps responsive exhibition and closing event at Vitalstatistix

*all guided tours will commence outside the Vitalstatistix hall

Exhibiting artists: Lily Ahlefeldt, Celeste Aldahn, Tamara Baillie, Tom Borgas, Nic Brown, Sundari Carmody, BOMB Collective, Sasha Grbich, Ray Harris, Bray Lay, Jessie Lumb, Derek Sargent, Ryan Sims, Carly Snoswell, Tarpspace, Lara Torr, Ash Tower, Meg Wilson

The Unexpected Port initiative is a partnership between Arts SA, Renewal SA and the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.