Unexpected Port 2015

Unexpected Port 2015 supports creative activation and placemaking initiatives in Port Adelaide. A partnership between Renewal SA and City of Port Adelaide Enfield, it is aimed at encouraging more people to live, work, invest and spend time in the Port.

Projects will be evaluated on their ability to meet some or all of the following criteria:

  • Deliver quality exciting arts and cultural activities to the Port
  • Make a visual impact
  • Connect with the general public
  • Occur in public spaces – external and/or internal
  • Bring something new and positive to the Port
  • Generate positive social media
  • Attract visitors to the Port

Funds of up to $2,000 are available for creative activities, mini events, public exhibitions, public performances, temporary public artworks and/or installations that will enliven and activate the Port Adelaide area between 1 January and 30 June 2015.

  • Projects can receive as little or as much as needed up to $2,000.
  • Projects are encouraged to develop creative outcomes that will animate public spaces in the Port Adelaide area.
  • Projects of all artistic practice will be considered.
  • Proposals can be for the creation, development and presentation of new work or the remount of an existing successful project – but it must be new to the Port.
  • Funds are not available to top-up projects already funded by City of Port Adelaide Enfield or Renewal SA.
  • Applicants must have public liability insurance (if applicable to the project).
  • Applicants must comply with any relevant permits and/or approvals.
  • Applicants can submit more than one Expression of Interest.
  • Funds are only available for projects delivered between 1 January and 30 June 2015.


  • Open to anyone with a good idea and the ability to make it happen.
  • Artists, businesses, entrepreneurs, community members and/or groups are all encouraged to apply.


  • Email your Expression of Interest (maximum two pages and must be in .pdf or .doc format) to [email protected].
  • Applications will be assessed as they are received by representatives from Renewal SA and the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.
  • Applications will be processed within 14 days.
  • Applications will be open for review only until the project funds are expended, or until 30 June 2015, whichever occurs first.

The Expression of Interest should include:

  • Name, address and contact details of the lead applicant
  • Project name
  • Project date(s)
  • Project description, addressing the evaluation criteria
  • Total project budget (including the requested grant amount and specifying if funds are to come from other sources/grants)
  • Supporting images (if relevant)
  • Demonstrated capacity to deliver project (examples of previous projects, referees, etc)
  • Maximum 2 pages and saved in .pdf or .doc format

If you have any questions, please contact:
Louise Otterbach
Senior Project Officer
Renewal SA
T: 08 8207 1387
E: [email protected]

Jane Marr
Arts & Cultural Development Officer
City of Port Adelaide Enfield
T: 08 8405 6848
E: [email protected]