Adelaide Fringe – Fringe Photo Mania

On 14 February & 21–24 March 2015, be in the ultimate all inclusive photographic competition: up to 12 topics, 12 pictures over 2 – 6 hours.

One part race, one part creative challenge.

  • Entrants will register online for up to a month before the event.
  • At 10 am on Saturday February 14, entrants will be issued with the first set of topics at the HQ. They have the next two hours to shoot one image per topic, in the same order as the topics are listed.
  • At 12 pm, the next set of topics are released. Each entrant must personally collect the set of topics from the HQ.
  • This process is repeated again at 2 pm.
  • The HQ will receive the completed entries via direct download from your camera or email.

ALL images will be printed and exhibited at the Black Diamond Gallery, Saturday Mar 21 – Mar 29.

A team of ‘judges’ will choose the winners whose work will be framed in A4 size for display.

The topics will offer great opportunity for creativity and interpretation for all ages.

For more information:

  • Where: Black Diamond Gallery
  • Cost: $5 for competition entrants, free viewing of winner’s work