Wild at Hart: First market day in 2016

Beautiful local produce at Wild at Hart markets

Our local Wild at Hart’s first market day for 2016 is on Sunday, January 10. Wild at Hart is open on Sundays from 9am until 2pm at the Hart’s Mill market space in Port Adelaide.

Come and meet Riverland growers, Sam and Valma, who are bringing us more fresh produce to our local market.

Sam and Valma have recently joined Wild at Hart and now have a permanent stall every Sunday morning, providing lots of fresh fruit and veg directly from their farm to the Port.

Think what you could cook up with spinach, kale, eggplant, tomato, pumpkin, pears, nectarines, avocado, nectarines etc!

Show your support for local growers who bring you produce straight from their farms.

Visit Wild At Hart on Facebook for updates.